Monday, January 4, 2021

CIA October 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum

The October 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum is a CIA document compiled on October 02, 1952, regarding whether the effort to research flying saucers was adequate in relation to the possible threat Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) posed for the nation in terms of defense and the collective psyche of the population. 

What follows is a summary of this memorandum and the corresponding report that was concluded on 24 September 1952. 

Memorandum Date: 02 October 1952

Date of Report: 24 September 1952

Date Approved for Release: February 2010

Subject: Flying Saucer Research and Disclosure

October 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum

The 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum was composed in October, about a week after its corresponding report had been concluded. It was addressed to Walter B. Smith, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and it was sent through the Deputy Director of Intelligence, Loftus E. Becker, from the Assistant Director of the Office of Scientific Intelligence, H. Marshall Chadwell. 

The purpose of the report was to determine "whether or not there are national security implications in the problem of unidentified flying objects." The report also served to cite "whether or not adequate study and research is currently being directed to this problem." Finally, it also included a recommendation on what further "investigation and research should be instituted" and by whom.


According to the September 1952 Flying Saucers Report, the Assistant Director of the Office of Scientific Intelligence, H. Marshall Chadwell, concluded that the "Air Technical Intelligence Center, DI, USAF, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, is the only group devoting appreciable effort and study to this subject." 

At the time, the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) was conducting investigations on UFOs on a case-by-case basis, which Chadwell believed was not "adequate to correlate, evaluate, and resolve the situation." Although a worldwide reporting system had been implemented and major Air Force bases had "been ordered to make interceptions of unidentified flying objects," within ATIC, the only staff assigned to this task were "three officers and two secretaries" to which all sighting reports were delivered via official channels.

These men and women were responsible for investigating a massive caseload documented by Chadwell in his report:

"Since 1947, ATIC has received approximately 1500 official reports of sighting plus an enormous volume of letters, phone calls, and press reports. During July 1952 alone, official reports totaled 250. Of the 1500 reports, Air Force carries 20 percent as unexplained and of those received from January through July 1952 it carries 26 percent unexplained."  

It was determined that if the purpose of ATIC's investigations were to provide case-by-case explanations for UFO phenomena, the approach was adequate. But that was not the purpose designated to them. The purpose of the ATIC investigation team was to "determine definitively the nature of the various phenomena" which were causing the sightings. They were also tasked with developing a means by which the phenomena and their visual or electronic effects could be identified immediately. 


In an attempt to form an actionable recommendation regarding the situation, a team from the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence researched the efficacy of ATIC's approach to the problem at hand. The team consulted with a representative of the Air Force Special Studies Group. They also discussed the situation with authorities "in charge of the Air Force Project at Wright-Patt Air Force Base." Furthermore, they reviewed a "considerable volume of intelligence reports, checked the Soviet press and broadcast indices, and conferred with three CIA consultants."

Within the report, Chadwell stated that the determination of a CIA consultant was that the solution to this overwhelming problem would only be found either "on the margins or just beyond the frontiers of our present knowledge in the fields of atmospheric, ionospheric, and extraterrestrial phenomena." The consultant also stated that the "dispersal of nuclear waste products might also be a factor."   

It was recommended that a team be put together to "analyze and systematize the factors which constitute the fundamental problem." The team should also determine the fields of science pertaining to the phenomena for further investigation, and to make recommendations for the initialization of related research. 

Chadwell's report suggested that in accordance with the recommendation by Dr. Julius A. Stratton, Vice President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a group of this nature could be installed within the aforementioned institution and charged to the Air Force's air defense project stationed there, Project Lincoln. 


Chadwell concluded that "flying saucers posed two elements of danger," both of which had "national security implications." The first element of danger Director Chadwell cited was not national security, it was "mass psychological considerations." This can be better described as mass hysteria, psychological trauma on a national (if not global) scale, and the degradation of instituted social constructs like religion and spiritual beliefs. 

According to his analysis of the public's ability to digest the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, Chadwell wrote that the public's efforts to pressure the Air Force into inquiries and reports to the media suggested that "a fair portion of our population is mentally conditioned to the acceptance of the incredible." However, he also stated that the "potential for the touching-off of mass hysteria and panic" was possible. 

His recommendation on the disclosure of information was as follows:

"In order to minimize the risk of panic, a rational policy should be established as to what should be told to the public regarding phenomena."

This statement has been discussed to determine whether Chadwell meant that the government should disclose information within the reasonable confines of national security or that a policy of "rational explanations" should be implemented to explain away the phenomena. This has never been determined.

It has long been theorized that if the United States Government was concealing the existence of extraterrestrial life, the central purpose behind this would be the fear of mass hysteria and religious implosion. The latter of these two was held as an integral part of a healthy societal system up to the 21st century when religion ceased in being viewed as the moral compass of a large portion of the U.S. population. The last decade has seen a strong decline in religious adhesion and an increase in personal spiritual beliefs, leading anthropologists to conclude that a large portion of the population no longer finds religion to be the sole factor in morality, but instead personal accountability. 

This break in the reliance on strict religious teachings, that often deny the possibility of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, has opened another door for governments to reconsider the limit of disclosure that is possible while preventing mass hysteria. 

In the report, Chadwell went on to cite the "vulnerability of the United States to air attack" as the second element of danger and focused on the viability of using the phenomena as part of a "psychological warfare" tactic against the Soviet Union, as well as the Soviet's ability to also do the same. Concern was also applied to the level of Soviet knowledge regarding the phenomena and the "reasons for silence in the Societ press regarding flying saucers." 

It had been determined that the Soviets had not published any media reports regarding flying saucers, and it was up for debate on whether that was because they were not experiencing the phenomena, they were causing the phenomena, or state-controlled media required silence on the subject as policy. 

Chadwell ended his report by stating:

"I consider this problem to be of such importance that it should be brought to the attention of the National Security Council in order that a community-wide coordinated effort towards its solution may be initiated." 

The 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum can be considered a turning point in the government's ability to invoke plausible deniability.  It was one of the first documented instances of a senior official identifying that not enough resources were being allocated to the investigation of flying saucers and citing UFOs as a matter of serious importance, enough to provide recommendations on further research and investigation. The document also highlight's the working mechanisms of government disclosure pertaining to the public and clearly cites instances where an official proves in writing that the United States Government engineers public perception via rational explanations and information suppression.

The October 1952 Flying Saucers Memorandum was sourced via the Freedom of Information Act and can be downloaded via the Central Intelligence Agency webpage.  


CIA Document: Flying Saucers Over Spain and North Africa

CIA Document: Flying Saucers Over East Germany

CIA Document: The 1953 UFO Robertson Panel

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Is Rh Negative Blood Type Alien?

is rh negative blood type alien ?

The Rh Negative blood type didn't exist until 36,000 - 50,000 years ago, at which point humans went from Homo sapiens to Homo sapiens sapiens. We had an evolutionary leap and our brain capacity increased by 30% in just 50,000 years. By Darwinian standards, this is impossible. The only explanation is that this blood type was introduced into our DNA either via genetic engineering or interspecies procreation. Let's dive in.

What is the Rh Negative Blood Type?

To put it simply, human blood has four blood types; A, B, AB, or O. These comprise the four main blood types. The red blood cells of human beings contain a protein present on the surface called Rh. Those with the protein present have what is called Rh positive blood types. Those who do not have the protein resent in their blood cells have what is known as Rh negative blood - this is the blood type we're talking about today. Individuals with Rh negative blood still fall into the four main blood types, but their symbol now contains a negative sign; A-, B-, AB-, O-.

Is Rh Negative Blood Rare?

The Rh negative blood type is extremely rare, it only accounts for about 15% of the human population, whereas 85% of the rest of our civilization has the Rh positive blood type.

Rh Blood Type Donor Stats

Finding a donor for Rh blood types is very difficult and can become almost impossible when the Rh negative group is split into its corresponding blood types. Globally, the population of humans categorized by blood types are as follows.

  • A Positive 27.42%
  • B Positive 22.02%
  • AB Positive 5.88%
  • O Positive 38.67%
  • A Negative 1.99%
  • B Negative 1.11%
  • AB Negative .36%
  • O Negative 2.55%
The AB blood type is the rarest of all, in both negative and positive Rh presence. The global population of AB negative blood types is less than 1%.

The only recognized universal blood type is the O negative group. Donors in this group can donate to any other blood group, as it is compatible with other blood types. The AB positive blood group is considered to be a universal recipient; members of this group can receive blood from any other blood group.

Rh negative blood cannot be replicated, mutated or cloned. Therefore, the creation of artificial plasma for these blood groups is impossible. Rh negative and Rh positive blood does not mix, so donations for Rh negative blood are limited to their small pool.

Is Rh negative Blood Type Alien?

There are theories suggesting that Rh negative blood is alien in origin because it is an anomaly in our genetic code. There is no established reason or explanation for why this blood group exists, just more theories.

Theories: Where Did Rh Negative Blood Come From

The most common Rh negative alien blood theory is that ancient aliens introduced this blood type into our genetic code by either genetic engineering or an interbreeding experiment.

Rh Negative Blood and Alien Genetic Engineering

The genetic engineering theory is not new. The ancient Sumerians believed that their gods, The Anunnaki, were responsible for their creation via means of genetic modification. They believed that their gods came from another planet called Niburu that intersects our planetary orbit every 36,000, around the time when the Rh negative blood type was introduced into modern human DNA.

According to their creation mythology, their gods needed minerals from Earth to stabilize their planet. In order to mine the ore, they genetically engineered a human race from animals already inhabiting the Earth, most likely a member of the great apes family. It should be noted that monkeys do not contain the Rh negative blood type. Whatever link that existed between modern humans and monkeys is where the Rh negative blood type was introduced - given this fact, this theory makes sense.

Rh Negative Blood and Alien Interbreeding

Another theory suggests that aliens interbred with humans and created a new race of homo sapiens. Prior to the introduction of the Rh negative blood type, humans were in a group called homo sapiens, once the Rh negative blood was introduced, we evolved into a species known as homo sapiens sapiens.

The concept of interbreeding with otherworldly beings is also not new. The Old Testament speaks of the great flood as having been brought upon the Earth by god to cleanse the Earth of the abominations known as the Nephilim. These beings were a race of giants that were the result of "angels" who took the women of the Earth as wives and interbred with them. According to the myth, several of these giants survived the flood and fled to an unknown island, which could possibly be the island we know today as Sardinia, Italy.

Notably, the largest population of Rh negative blood types is located in Basque, Spain, just 868 miles from Sardinia. About 30% of this population has the Rh negative blood trait.

Homo Sapien Interbreeding

Some theorists suggest that the race of humanoids that expanded outward from Africa crossed paths with the Hyperborean race. This is a race of blonde-haired, blue-eyed humans that Hitler once noted as the superior race. According to this theory, the Rh negative blood type stems from this Hyperborean race. Those who believe this theory attribute this blood type to ancient scholars or spiritual leaders, most notably Jesus Christ, although there is no evidence to substantiate that Jesus, in fact, had this blood type or was of this ancestry. This may just be a bias thinking hypothesis for superior race supporters.

Interspecies interbreeding is yet another concept that is not new to us. It has been discovered that the Sherpas of Nepal are able to withstand long periods of time at high altitudes not just from thousands of years of adaptation, but because a few hundred thousand years ago, their species interbred with a mountainous humanoid that carried a gene that allowed it to live in high altitudes. This ancestor is now believed to be extinct, however, the descendants of these marriages are the modern day Sherpas.

Rh Negative Blood and Procreation

When it comes to procreation, a woman with Rh negative blood cannot carry an Rh positive baby to full term without medical assistance. Her body will create antigens that will attack the fetus and cause a miscarriage. Why this happens is really unknown from a genetic standpoint. However, in studying the genetic survival evolutions of humans and animals, it is common for the body to dump parts of its DNA that are considered to be inferior or not viable for long-term survival over the course of thousands of years. This is along the lines of the theory of Survival of the Fittest, whereas only the strong and adaptive genes succeed in long-term survival. There may be some genetic usefulness to Rh negative blood types that we do not see today that could very well mean the difference between the survival of humankind at a later date in the future and its extinction.

DNA is something that overwrites itself over long periods of time, blood types may be an evolutionary trait designed to offset future dangers although the Rh negative group is considered to be a recessive gene, or a gene that no longer has value, left over for lack of a better word. The fact is that we know why some specific genes are present in our DNA based on what we know from past generations, however, in cases like the Rh negative blood type, where the cause and use is unknown, it can either be a recessive trait or a trait evolving for future use.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Official CIA Document Flying Saucers in Spain and North Africa

flying saucers in spain and north africa CIA Documents on UFOs released

Official CIA reports of flying saucers in Spain and North Africa detail sightings of UFOs in Spain, Tunisia and French Morocco. These documents were compiled using foreign documentation in the form of daily newspapers printed in French and Spanish in Algiers and Tangier. The following are the accounts documented by the CIA.

Document Type/Subject: Flying Saucers in Spain and North Africa

Date: 22 May - 16 June 1952

According to the document, 5 separate UFO sightings occurred over Barcelona, Tunisia, Meknes and Taourirt in Morocco, and Casablanca about 1 month prior to the Flying Saucers in East Germany event.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Giants of Sardinia: Nephilim Are Real!

Ancient texts speak of giants, or Nephilim, that roamed Earth thousands of years ago and wreaked havoc on ancient civilizations. Our most notable account was of the Nephilim, a race of giants born of The Watchers, God's fallen angels, and the human women they seduced. As they grew, they ravaged the land and became harmful to mankind. In an attempt to rid the Earth of these abominations, God sent the Great Flood, the epic of Noah's Arc

But did the flood kill all the giants? 

Let's journey to Sardinia, Italy where hundreds of interesting ruins were found that suggest the land was once inhabited by the Nephilim.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Great Flood Myth, Every Civilization Has One

noah's ark great flood myths in ancient civilization ancient aliens

Let's get right to it. Every ancient civilization in human history has a legendary tale of a great flood that came over the Earth and washed away civilization, leaving only a few survivors.

The Great Flood Accounts

In many of these stories, a human guardian was chosen by the "gods" to assemble all the animals of land and collect them into a seafaring vessel, which would protect them from the devastating flood. The most notable account describes Noah in the Bible whom God placed in charge of saving the animals of the Earth by building an ark.

But was Noah's account the only one?

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Are These Movie Set Cameras on the Moon?

While exploring the new Google Earth today, we discovered a strange image of an Apollo 15 site on the moon that appeared to show three set-like cameras beaming down on the moon's surface - like the kind you see on a movie set.

We can't tell for sure what these lights are, but we'd like you to be the judge of that. Check it out.

The information for where to find this image is as follows:

Friday, May 5, 2017

Where did the Anasazi People Go?

From 100 B.C. to 1300 A.D. an ancient tribe of presumed Native Americans inhabited a desert area in the Southwestern United States. This tribe was called the Anasazi, which in Navajo means "Ancient Enemy", however, some have stated that the translation can also mean "Ancient Strangers" or "Ancient Visitors".

The mystery of the Anasazi people has fascinated many historians and Ancient Alien Theorists because the tribe seemingly disappeared without evidence as to what happened to them. What is more intriguing is the fact that this civilization was known as the Anasazi not because this was the name the chose for themselves, but because this was the name their neighboring Navajo tribes gave them. This is one example of a civilization that existed amongst other civilizations that can attest to their existence and shed light on some of their histories. In many cases, ancient civilizations are examined based upon archeological studies and artifactual evidence.

In this case, it can't be dismissed that the only other witness to the Anasazi people stated that, in fact, there was something strange about them; the Navajo encountered many different tribes during their history, but never called them "Ancient Strangers". This Anasazi tribe was different.

Now, the idea behind the Anasazi having been Ancient Aliens also stems from the artwork that was left behind by the tribe, some of which depict beings with extraterrestrial features. Around the world, ancient civilizations tell stories about the origin of their culture, many of which state that beings from the sky visited their earliest ancestors and taught them about agriculture, religion, and science. Some notable civilizations with these beliefs include the Egyptians who believed that the God Thoth came to them and gave them the gift of knowledge and civilization, the Native American Hopi tribe and their belief of the Sky People who came down from the heavens to teach them many things, and the ancient Sumerians who also believed their Gods, the Anunnaki, came from the sky to teach them about society, math, science and promised to one day return.